Hey y'all! Spring has finally arrived, and with the month of April comes Spring cleaning. I've been tidying up my Pinterest account by unfollowing inactive boards and users that don't necessarily share the same tastes as I do. That being said, I've also followed a few new boards and have been
loving my home feed lately. I'm seeing so many bright, springy colors and so much Lilly that I think I repin or like more Pins than I skip. I follow 692 genuinely great Pinners, but I wanted to share some of my very favorites.
It's probably pretty predictable that I'd choose
Monogram Meredith as one of my favorites. She's so perfect, and just recently celebrated 10,000 followers! I want to repin everything she does, and every single one of her boards are adorable. {And, while we're on the topic, her
blog is pretty outstanding too!}

If you go to my profile, you can see that one of the top 3 people I repin from is
The Next Lilly Pulitzer. I literally have no idea who this is, but she has some of the most adorable Pins I've seen. Her boards are so bright and colorful, and we obviously have the same taste if she's on my top 3. To be incredibly honest, she had me at the You Gotta Regatta profile picture. Sorry I'm not sorry.
Another one of my favorite users is
Mackenzie Kendall. She uploads a ton of adorable Pins and has such great style. She has 35 boards to choose from, yet I still can't pick a favorite.

I've loved
Cathleen ever since I first found her
blog. When she invited me to pin to her board for
Blogging tips, I started looking through the rest of her boards and loved them. Her
Monogram it all and
Sweet & Southern boards are among my favorites, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that I loved every single one.
Now that y'all know some of my favorites, share with me! I'd love to know who you follow, what your "Recommend for Me" tags are, who your top 3 are, and I'd especially love to see some of y'all's boards.
Don't forget to visit
my Pinterest by clicking the widget in the sidebar. Happy pinning!
You are too sweet! Thanks darling:)