Sunday, November 25, 2012

Seventeen Days

Since there's seventeen days of school standing between me and my Christmas break, I thought I'd come up with one positive or motivational thought for each day to keep me going.  So, here we go :)
  1. I have so much to be thankful for this holiday season.
  2. There's a really high possibility it's going to snow this year.
  3. The entire city is covered in beautiful Christmas lights.
  4. I have all A's so far this quarter, and I'm going to keep it this way.
  5. I get excused absences this Thursday & Friday for a school trip.
  6. My family and I are all happy and healthy.
  7. My house is all decorated for Christmas and looks, smells, and feels perfect.
  8. I've learned so much this year and can't give it up over a little holiday laziness.
  9. I have such great friends that will always be there to make me smile and laugh.
  10. The weather outside is so beautiful and it's the best time of year.
  11. Once school is over, I'm in for an amazing break with friends and family.
  12. Compared to this time last year, I've come so far.
  13. The fact that Christmas music is on the radio is perfection.
  14. The feeling when the end of the day bell rings on the last day before break will make all the stress worth it, and I'm determined to leave feeling confident that I was successful on all my finals.
  15. Seventeen days really isn't that long, and every day is one step closer to freedom.
  16. Christmas is less than one month away.
  17. I can do this!
Hopefully this list will come in handy in times of stress. There's seventeen days left, and I'm ready to knock them out.

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