
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

'Merica Monday {A Day Late}

Hey y'all! I know it's a little late for 'Merica Monday, but given the circumstances I think it's acceptable to publish this post on a Tuesday because of its magnitude.  On Memorial Day, I shared the big news that I'd be enlisting in the U.S. Army Reserves.  Since I finalized everything with my recruiter, I've been anxiously awaiting that one phone call that would tell me the date for my visit to MEPS {Military Entrance Processing Station}.

When I finally got the call on Monday 16JUN, I was so excited.  I found out that my process would begin on Monday 23JUN.  MEPS is a two day process, so I spent the night in a hotel Monday night.  Early this morning {around 0400}, I got the wake up call to begin the best day of my life.  After a long day of "hurry up and wait", I met my parents and took the Oath of Enlistment into the United States Army.  I chose the MOS {Military Occupational Specialty} 25B {Information Technology} and will soon be joining my unit in Greenville.

I'm so thankful to officially be a part of an organization made up of the most dedicated and respected soldiers in the world and can't wait to actually become one.  It's going to be such a privilege to serve my country alongside these men and women, and my journey is just beginning.  I can't wait to find out what it truly means to be Army strong!

Swearing in as a U.S. Solider.  Hooah!  I may or may not have started crying while taking the Oath, but only because it was such an incredible honor and moment of pride.

So thankful to have had my parents there with me in this incredible moment.  Since our first meeting with my recruiter, they have supported me through every step of the process and have truly encouraged me to be my best.  I really can't express my gratitude for everything that they do for me and the foundation they have given me.  They have helped to set me up for success as I begin my journey to greatness and embark on this career path.  Oh, and yay for officially becoming Army Parents!

I'll never forget 20140624 and the amazing experience that came along with it.  From every time I scanned my fingerprint {at least a million}, to every document I signed {at least three million}, throughout every freezing cold minute spent sitting and waiting at MEPS today, I wouldn't trade the experience for the world.   I'll never forget when I got the final copy of my contract, handed it to Sergeant Carrigan, and shook his hand as he welcomed me to the team.  I'll never forget laughing with Sergeant Thompson about my choice of MOS and promising to come back and fix his computer after AIT.  Most importantly, I'll never forget rushing up to hug my parents after taking the oath of enlistment, giving my dad the signature fist pump, and realizing the magnitude of what I had accomplished.  I've never been more proud of myself.

After a long and rewarding day, I can honestly say that I've never felt anything like the pride of becoming a part of something larger than myself.  The feeling I had while taking the Oath and pledging to support and defend the Constitution is absolutely indescribable.  It's been an incredibly long, nerve wracking, and impatient 48 hours and I can't believe I'm actually enlisted.  I can't wait to report to my unit and start the career of my dreams!


  1. You are such an incredible young woman!

    1. Thanks! That means a lot coming from you. It's such a blessing to have my supportive and encouraging family with me every step of the way. Love you bunches and see you this summer :)

  2. I am so happy for you. This is such a big accomplishment and youre awesome! :)

    Love Always,
