
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

AP Exam Prep

Hey y'all!  It's my Spring Break, so AP Exams should be the last thing on my mind.  However, when it's only 50 degrees outside and I have more homework assignments than Starbucks receipts {a lot}, priorities tend to shift a little.  I was looking through my agenda and was absolutely shocked to realize that my first AP exam is only nineteen days away.  Needless to say, I'm officially in study mode.  I'm working on a series of posts for AP Exams, and here's Part One: Preparation!

Aside from my agenda, the biggest way I'm managing my time before my first exam is my Lilly Study Schedule {linked}.  I created it a couple of weeks ago and it is working really well for me so far.

One of the most difficult parts of AP classes is that they require you to work outside of school a lot.  This can be hard, because while the work requirements are always there, the motivation isn't.  One way I find that helps me stay motivated to get my studying done is by investing in cute study supplies.  Yesterday, I found Lilly Pulitzer pencils at a local boutique and couldn't help but get them.

I love these, because not only can I use them to prepare and study, but they can actually be used on AP Exam bubble sheets.  I usually always use mechanical pencils, so having to go back to regular pencils can be annoying.  Having these help, because they're cute and bright!

Studying is a huge part of preparation, so here's a post I did a little while ago about my Study Essentials.  {While I love my Lilly pens/highlighters,  I honestly can't recommend them.  The highlighter end dried out quickly, and the pens ran out of ink.  Hopefully I'll like the pencils a little better!}

I get really, really anxious and nervous about my exams, so it's always good to have a little positive reinforcement.  Philippians 4:13 is one of my very favorite Bible verses and I find so much peace in knowing that Christ really does give me the strength to do everything I put my mind to.  I made this 5x5 last year and have had it saved on my desktop ever since.  

I even included this verse on the bottom of my study schedule, because it gives me so much encouragement.  Preparation for AP Exams can sometimes be harder than taking the actual exam, because it's so stressful.  It feels so good to be able to find peace in little reminders like this!

As y'all can probably tell, I'm not exactly "exceptional" in the field of exam preparation.  If you have some tips to share, please let me know!  Also, if you'd like to collaborate for a future post in this series, I'd love that.  Good luck preparing! 


  1. I am a terrible person at studying. I just have so much trouble doing it! But I like the bible verse idea!!!

    Love Always,

  2. Thanks Elizabeth! I hate studying too, but a little motivation always helps. Good luck if you're taking any exams this season :)
