
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Surviving Senior Year {Guest Post!}

Hey y'all!  I'm doing a little post-holiday traveling with my family this week, so I'm super thankful to have Kadasia from Life's Little Bits of Happiness guest posting for me today.  She's sharing some awesome tips for Surviving Senior Year that I definitely found helpful and hope y'all will too. 

Hi! I'm Kadasia from Life's Little Bits of Happiness, I'm here to guest post for Melissa while she's away having fun on her vacay! Pretty intense rhyming there haha. So today, I would like to share some tips on surviving Senior year (only because I'm a senior!) but these tips can be used simply just for school (the organizing), but it's never too early to start practicing and researching for the future!

Here we go!

So, this is my last year of High School and is it stressful. 
like...I can't even. rofl 

But I would like to share some tips that I think will make Senior Year much less stressful and much more smooth! 

It will probably be a small sporadic series so watch out for them!

1. Get a head start on college apps. 
College applications can be a killer if you don't give them their proper attention. So during the summer of Junior Year go ahead & make an account with the Colleges or Universities you would like to attend & if you want to go ahead and start filling it out, that's great too! If you have no idea where you want to go, take time to research, look at some schools in your area and maybe a couple out of your area as well(:

2. Get Connected.
Spend some time getting to know your Counselor and the person at your school who handles information about colleges and universities and scholarships. Creating a good relationship with them is important, in my opinion, because they know that you're serious about your education and being successful and plus the more they know about you, the more they can help!(:

3. Be Yourself.
Its scary. I get it. But- I have a strong feeling that colleges and universities want to see you, the person who is eagerly wanting to attend their school; not someone who is trying to write what they think the school wants to hear. So my advice, just be yourself and write when you're in a good place-have fun with your applications and show the real you.(:

I've just noticed that there's smiley face at the end of my sentences haha- just trying to give hope and positivity!

4. Get an agenda & stick with it.
Agendas are sooooo important during this year. I cannot stress enough, like it could save your educational lives. Writing down due dates and then giving yourself a time frame and also seeing that time frame is super helpful (at least for me). I can see if my goals are set too close or if I've planned something after school but I also have something to do that day. With everything that is going on this year I just can't see myself doing it without my planner...all of my scholarship dates, projects, big tests...sigh. It's just the #realmvp. 

5. Have Funnnn!
I almost forgot this to be honest, which is kinda what happens throughout the year haha. But just remember Senior Year is your last year, so make it extra fun, take all those fun pictures, engage in a new club or sport, and have fun with your class. *whoop whoop class of 2015

So I hope that these help with organizing your senior year or even getting ready for it (or just help organize your year in general)!
See ya in the next post (;

p.s. If you would like to see more of these posts or any fashion, food, exercise, reviews & more please check out my blog for more! Just simply click here, hope you enjoyed this post!
If you liked this post and want to read more from Kadasia {I highly recommend it}, head on over to Life's Little Bits of Happiness

I'd like to thank her for helping me out this week and extend an invitation to anyone else who wants to guest post for Stay Fabulous!  Thanks y'all!

1 comment:

  1. It was no problem! Thank you for letting me post for you(:

    Have fun!(:

