
Saturday, August 9, 2014

New and Noteworthy: Pinterest Introduces Messaging Feature

Hey y'all!  We all know I'm a Pinterest fanatic, so when I logged on to do my nightly scroll on Thursday evening, I was so excited to see that a new messaging feature was developed!  I've been wanting one for the longest time and have even Tweeted about it on multiple occasions.  I was so excited to see that not only can you actually view the Pins you've sent people, but you can send messages as well!

I've been using the "send" feature since it came out, but now you can actually track what you've sent, almost like Facebook messaging!  People that you've sent messages to will appear in the bottom left of the screen in cute little circles {which can be closed when you want}.  Here's what it looks like.

What do y'all think?  Do you like the new messaging feature on Pinterest?  How will you use it?  Let me know!

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