
Sunday, August 3, 2014

A Few Favorites

Hey y'all!  One of the best parts of having a blog is getting to interact with my readers and even make a few friends.  Since last year, I've been taking email requests for binder covers and it's been such a great way to get to know y'all better and thank you for reading.  Today I sat down with a big cup of coffee and a long list of emails and got to work.  I thought I'd share a few of my favorites that I think have come out exceptionally well.

I love the print "She She Shells", and apparently y'all do too, because it was the most requested one this year!  I paired it with the perfect shade of pink to compliment the starfish and loved the result.  Trust me, I must have created fifteen shades of pink this evening trying to find the perfect match for each print.  It wasn't easy.

This cover in "Jellies Be Jammin'" is another one of my favorites.  Nothing says Biology quite like Jellyfish!

Finally... who doesn't love Lobstah Roll?  This is my favorite cover that I've made so far.

I'm so thankful for the opportunity to express my gratitude to each of y'all.  I love getting your emails, reading your comments, and following your blogs.  I hope everyone likes the covers that I've made them as much as I do!  Good luck in school this year!


  1. These are so cute! However, if I made these could I get in trouble for copyright since I am using the print for free online?

  2. Adorable lady!! I wish I'd thought of this when I was in school!
