
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Ooohh! Ahhhh! Summer!

Hey y'all!  Okay, so maybe I did mix up my scheduled posts for yesterday and today, which means that I'm welcoming July a day late.  Forgive me.

Either way, it's officially here... the first full month of summer.  July has always been one of my favorite months because of all the fun that comes with it.  In addition, this month is going to be huge for me because I'll be starting my Future Soldier Training and checking into my unit for the first time next week, which means I can start my one-weekend-a-month visits to Greenville!  Thanks to DEP {Delayed Entry Program}, I still have 356 days {and counting} until I actually have to ship to BCT {Basic Combat Training}, but I can attend drill the entire time I'm waiting.  I'm so excited!

And, as always, spending as much time on the water during the month of July as possible is definitely on the agenda.  Today was the perfect way to welcome the month, spent by the pool and soaking up a little sunshine.  Pure bliss.

What are y'all's plans for July?  Any exciting trips planned?

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