
Monday, June 30, 2014

'Merica Monday: Every Day is Independence Day

Hey y'all!  Maybe you've noticed that things have been a little extra American around here lately.  Let me be the first to say that in no way is that a bad thing.  If you told me I was too patriotic, I'd probably take it as a compliment.  I'm the type of person that listens to 4th of July radio on Pandora year round, gets personally offended when people complain about our great nation on social media, and uses the word "'Merica" just a little bit more than necessary.

That being said, the 4th of July is my very favorite holiday.  There's no feeling that can compare to everyone nationwide celebrating how great it is to be free.  I love seeing everyone flying our flag with pride, hearing patriotic music playing everywhere,  and having one day where we can all set our differences aside, forget about the politics of it all, and embrace how great it is to be American.

If it was up to me, every day would be Independence Day.  In the United States, there's just so much to be thankful for, so much to be happy about, and so much to celebrate that we can't possibly fit it all into one day.  The way I see it, if you're truly proud to be an American, the 4th shouldn't feel any different, because we should celebrate our freedom and independence every day of the year.

Maybe the 4th isn't until Friday, but I'm going to wear my stars and stripes sunglasses anyway.  I'm going to listen to my 'Merica playlist on repeat, and I'm going to fly the flag on my front porch just because.  I'm going to embrace every single second of the American dream, because... well, why wouldn't I?

As we prepare ourselves for the best day of the year, let's try to remember that we shouldn't need a reason to be patriotic.  A date on the calendar shouldn't define how much pride in our country we should show, or how much gratitude we have for our independence.  Freedom is an incredible privilege that should be celebrated every day, not just once a year.  'Merica! {Because I just had to do it}


  1. I love reading your thoughts and insights on the world, and especially Independence Day. Now that I think of it.. The 4th really shouldn't be any different than any other day here in the United States! Thanks so much for this 'Merica Monday.. I loved it!

    1. Thanks so much Cathleen! I love reading your posts as well. I hope you enjoy the holiday with your friends and family, and I'm sure you'll celebrate well dressed as always!

  2. You are so passionate about our country and I love it! :) :) Happy 4th Early!

    Love Always,

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! Hope you enjoyed the holiday with Aaron :)
