
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Saving on Sunglasses

Hey y'all!  I'm on Pinterest a lot {I'm pretty sure we all know that by now} and follow a ton of Pinners with style similar to mine.  That being said, there's a ton of monogrammed merchandise popping up on my feed.  From tumblers to notebooks to sunglasses, monograms are everywhere, and everyone seems to want in on the fun.  I'm all for spreading that three letter love, but sometimes, this can get expensive.

Take Marley Lilly for example.  I love every single one of their products, but some of their prices are a little high.  Monogrammed sunglasses are $36.99, plus shipping.  While I love this trend, paying forty dollars for them is a little much.  I think I've found a pretty good solution.

If you've been reading a while, you know my favorite Etsy shop is CuttinCrazy.  She specializes in custom vinyl monogram stickers, and I literally can't stop ordering them.  I buy the tiny stickers that are actually meant for toenails and stick them on everything, including my favorite Southern Fried Cotton sunglasses.  You can get eight tiny stickers for four dollars and put them on the sunglasses of your choice.  I love mine, and they're perfect for me because I picked out the sunglasses and placed the sticker in the spot of my choice.  The best part of it all?  The whole operation only costs around fifteen dollars, which is so much better than thirty six.

But I didn't stop at sunglasses.  Of course, there has to be some Lilly involved.  I ordered the 2 inch vinyl monogram stickers {these are actually buy one, get one free} and stuck them on my Lilly tumbler, coffee mug, and notebook.  These look so adorable and the stickers were again only four dollars.

While lots of cute companies make adorable products, sometimes shopping around on Etsy can help save a lot of money.  I hope y'all find this information as helpful as I did!  Happy monogramming!


  1. I didnt even THINK of ordering small ones and putting them on my sunglassses! You are a genius Melissa!

    Love Always,

  2. Cute idea! This pretty much just saved me from paying $50 for a pair of monogrammed sunglasses...
    I'd love it if you'd check out my blog!

  3. Thanks y'all! And JC, I definitely will!
