
Friday, February 21, 2014

Sunny and 75

Hey y'all!  It's hard to believe a week ago we were off school for inclement weather, because today and yesterday were absolutely beautiful.  I pulled out the capris and threw on a Southern Shirt Company frocket and pearls and was able to leave the house without even bringing a jacket Thursday morning.  It felt awesome.

Sunny and 75 days are my favorite kind of days!  Here's a few of my favorite ways to embrace them.

First on my list is the Cool Lime Refresher from Starbucks.  It's too nice outside to drink hot coffee, and the Refreshers are so... refreshing.  Cool Lime is my favorite, but the Valencia Orange is a close second.  Berry Hibiscus is delicious as well.

I love pulling out my sunglasses when the weather is right, and I never take them anywhere without my Lilly croakies attached.  I have the "Follow the Sun" ones in Chiquita Bonita and absolutely love them.

Finally, I just had to include my Nike shorts.  They are so, so, so comfortable and I literally wear them for every occasion (even when I should probably be dressed a little nicer).

I hope y'all like this weather as much as I do!  What are some of your warm weather favorites?


  1. I am baffled at the weather change too! But I am not questioning it! I dont want it to go away! :) I have to have sweet tea of any form in this weather! :)

    Love Always,

  2. As crazy as this sounds, I never drink sweet tea! Either way, I'm happy you are enjoying the weather too :)

  3. I just had a Cool Lime today. Definitely one of my faves too!
