
Sunday, December 1, 2013


"Time to drink champagne and dance on tables"

While this month's Lilly agenda quote doesn't really describe my December aspirations, it does put me in the mood to drink egg nog and spend a little time on Pinterest.  While I'd like to say that unless my school is decorated with Christmas lights and a tree and giving out hot cocoa as we walk in the door tomorrow I'm not going back, I will inevitably be heading back into routine tomorrow.  I've enjoyed my Thanksgiving break so much and there's only three weeks separating me from Christmas vacation.  I can't wait.

This December, I want to enjoy all my holiday favorites.  Decorating the house for Christmas, baking desserts, bundling up in my pea coat and bell ringing, looking at lights, exchanging gifts, eating candy canes, and so much more.  I'm so excited and can't wait to see what this month has in store!

Happy December y'all!

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