
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Gobble Gobble

Happy November y'all!  It's so hard to believe we've already flown through October!  It's only day two, but it's been a pretty fabulous month thus far.  Last night was the classic November Friday, spent watching football under those Friday night lights with good friends.  I can't stress enough how blessed I am to have these people in my life.

Tonight we had the classic Bergey bonfire.  I must say, nothing feels as good as sitting next to a fire on a fall night.  Autumn is in the air, and the weather was perfect. On top of it all, it was a great excuse to wear my new vest, so I was pretty excited.

As for the rest of the month, things are looking exciting.  Thanksgiving break is right around the corner, and that means family fun and Black Friday are soon to follow.  I can't wait for pumpkin pie and super sales, all in a day.  It's going to be great.

Here's to a fun and festive November!  Follow the sun ☀

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