
Friday, November 29, 2013

Holiday Favorites

Hey y'all!  With Thanksgiving behind us and Black Friday upon us, it's time to start the countdown to my absolute favorite time of year... Christmas! I love the holidays because they are always spent with family and friends, and who doesn't love baking cookies and exchanging gifts?  It's super important to remember the real meaning of Christmas and the true reason we celebrate, but there's nothing wrong with getting excited about decorations and desserts.  That being said, here are a few of my favorites!

Candle- I get my love of candles from my mom, and she burns the Bath and Body Twisted Peppermint candle every year.  Mixed with the scent of fresh Virginia pine in our living room, it smells amazing.

Coffee- I don't drink Starbucks often, but when I do, it's usually during the fall and winter months when all the good seasonals come out.  My absolute favorite is the Peppermint Mocha.  I usually save the calories and get the skinny.  It's merry and light!
Cookies- Lots of people bake Christmas cookies with long, intricate recipes that have been in their families for generations, but nothing beats the Pillsbury seasonal cookies.  I've loved the quick, ten minute sugar cookies with Christmas trees and reindeer on them since I was little, and they're still my very favorite, even though I usually eat half of them before they're even in the oven!
What are some of your Christmas favorites?

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