
Friday, September 6, 2013

Fabulous Fall

Happy September y'all!  While the boat for September has already set sail, it's never too late to get excited about the start of a fresh new month, especially when that month brings about one of my very favorite times of year: fall!  From the start of riding boot and cardigan weather to the availability of Pumpkin Spice Lattes (I still haven't treated myself to the first one of the season), fall is an absolutely fabulous time of year!  I really could write a never ending list of all the things I love about fall.  Football, homecoming week, pumpkin scented and flavored everything, wearing scarves, when it gets dark earlier,... the list literally goes on and on.  I've decided to do what I do best: compile a list of my favorite fall things and share them with y'all!  Here we go!

1. Candles- Candles are essential for fall.  Whether it's a warm pumpkin scent or the crisp, fresh scent of the fall air, the best part of fall is burning the fabulous candles!  Some people swear by Yankee candles, but I love the Slatkin & Co. ones from Bath and Body!

2. Bath and Body Fall Collection-  Speaking of BBW, their fall collection is one thing I look forward to every year.  In fact, it's often overwhelming for me to go there when it comes out because I just want to buy everything.  I usually end up stocking up on hand sanitizers, which smell phenomenal!

3. Riding Boot Season- Who doesn't love a cute pair of boots to top off the perfect fall outfit?  If I'm not wearing my Sperrys, you can almost always find me in riding boots from late September to early March.  Belk is one of the best places to shop for riding boots and you can usually get them super cheap on  Black Friday (if you get there early enough, that is!)

4. Navy With Orange- One of my all time favorite looks for fall is navy with orange.  Whether it's a navy and white striped shirt with an orange scarf or a pop of color with a cardigan, navy and orange always look perfect together in fall outfits!  

5. Pumpkins- I love carving and painting pumpkins, and have huge aspirations for mine this year thanks to some incredibly cute Pins I've found!  

 Here's to a fabulous September and an amazing beginning of fall!

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