
Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th of July

Happy 4th of July, 'Merica!  I couldn't think of a better way to spend mine than camping with the family.  I love riding around the campground and hearing all of the patriotic music playing and seeing all of the flags flying with pride.  I am so proud to be an American!

I've been thinking recently about how truly blessed I am to live in the USA.  There is nothing more beautiful than seeing an American flag flying in the breeze and nothing more humbling than knowing there are hundreds of thousands of people fighting for your freedom daily.  I am so blessed to have the privilege of calling myself an American.

When I think of my country, I think of freedom.  I think of hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill; Ford trucks; ice cold lemonade; red, white, and blue decor; church on Sunday morning; watching football games, and country music.  While I'm sure the definition of America differs vastly from person to person, I know one thing for sure: there's no place I'd rather live.

Happy birthday, America.  We've been running the world since 1776, and it's been an incredible 237 years. We don't always get it all right, but the red, white, and blue continue to fly nonetheless.  We've built a nation on the foundation of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and continue to strive towards the goal of living the American dream.  We truly are one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.  God bless the USA!

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