
Friday, March 1, 2013

Inspiration for March

When starting a fresh new month, it's always good to have somewhat of a "game plan" developed.  What you want to accomplish, and how you're planning to get it done.  I've sort of established mine, but it's not like a giant to-do list or anything.  I simply just want to enjoy every day.  Let's face it y'all, I'm not getting any younger.  I'm already over halfway through with my sophomore year in high school.  I'm turning sixteen!  To be honest, I really can't believe this is happening.  I have less than three years left in high school, then off to the real world I go.  Shocking, I know.  As much as I wish it would, time isn't going to slow down for anyone.  It's flying so fast, and there's really no time to have bad days.  Starting today, I'm going to strive to make every day a great day.  I'm going to be sure that no matter what, before the days is over, I do something great for myself or someone else, even if it's only something little like taking a bubble bath or going to be early, reading an extra bible verse or donating some spare change.  I found this quote this morning while reading some old posts from one of my favorite blogs, and it really got me thinking that there's really no excuse for "bad days" whatsoever.  It's pretty impossible to go about your day without having a single positive thing happen, and, even if it doesn't, you have all the power to make one happen yourself.  So make every day a great day, because every day should feel as good as the best day ever.  Let's make March our month! 

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